Leo the lion woke up from his nap. He saw a juicy Zebra and he decided to make a trap. So before he started, he went inside the house and came out with a rope and got tangled by his own rope and couldn't get out. He tried and tried but he just couldn't get out.
Then Zoe the Zebra looked at Leo and asked, "Are you playing with the rope?"
"No," said Leo. "I was errrrr making a trap."
"Wow! Why do you want to trap?" Said Zoe.
"Errrr.... you." Said Leo.
"So what?" Said Zoe.
" Emmm, nothing." Said Leo.
" Then do I need to do anything?" Asked Zoe.
" Errrr, yes!" Said Leo.
" Ok." Said Zoe. "I am going to get my friend Mickey the mouse to see whether he can help, ok?"
" Ok," said Leo.
When Zoe was gone, Leo waited and waited but Zoe didn't come back. Leo went to sleep and Zoe came back, Mickey nibbled the rope. The next morning Leo found out that he was free.
"SURPRISE!" said Zoe and Mickey. So Leo, Zoe and Mickey lived happily ever after.
Annabelle is 6 years old, She loves reading, baking and cooking.
Anabelle's illustration of story.
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